Featured Products
It is quite disappointing to know that most of the store owners have no idea how they can make the most of the featured products. Bestsellers and New arrivals are the two best categories which must be placed as featured items. Lastly, featured products shouldn’t remain permanent they must be changed on a regular basis.
Tech Specifications
Marketplace: Sparsh Technologies
Updated:26 October, 2020
Categories:Extensions, Marketing, CRM, SEO/SEM, Advertising
Being a store owner one definitely wishes to attract new customers via a bevy of bestsellers and a whole batch of new arrivals. The Magento 2 extension developed by the team at Sparsh technologies enables store owners to display a wide range of featured products on their website. You may ask how? Everything is done using blocks, templates, layout, and widgets leading to an increase in sales.
The featured product extension has the potential to be programmed in a wide range of ways. For example, one featured product block comprises of a product name, custom photo, cost, reviews and ratings and the add to cart button. You must be wondered on what basis these featured product extensions can be sorted - top vendors, top products and sorted by dates.
- Create any number of blocks
- Insert blocks via CMS, Layout, and Widgets
- Select product pictures to display in the block
- Enable/disable extension
- Blocks can be incorporated into the sidebars or main content area
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